
美味しいサンドウィッチ屋さん「つじや」Delicious sandwich shop “Tsujiya”

The old main building of Tsuchiura first high school, which is also the location for the morning drama “Ale”. It can be seen from along Route 125. It is a nice Western-style building that is designated as a national important cultural property.

About 5 minutes by bicycle from there, there is a sandwich special store,”Tsujiya”.Sandwiches with beautiful cross sections line up in the showcase neatly. Today I ordered sweet bean paste with custard cream sandwich and banana caramel sandwich. The combination of bread and filling was good and delicious.
After that, I went “Komachi no yakata”. A symbol water mill in the shining fresh green. A green rice field that has been planted. You can enjoy the good old Japanese countryside.

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いよいよ梅雨明け 夏のつくば霞ヶ浦りんりんロード!Finally rainy eason has finished. Summer has comed in ring-ring road!

    今年の梅雨は長かったですね。 8 月になってからの梅雨明けです。朝から気持ちの良い青空が広がり、早速サイクリングスタート。土浦港から霞ヶ浦ふれあいランドに向かって出発しました。   This year rainy season has been longer t...