The rainy season has arrived in Japan. We
came to Amabiki Kannnon, famous hydrangea temple.
In the pricuncts and its surroundings, 3000
hydrangeas were in full bloom, shining beautifully
under the light rain.
There was a peacock in the pricincts. The beautiful
of spread wings is artistic. I was impressed.
お昼は「薬膳中華茶房 三笠」でラーメンをおいしくいただきました。コロナ対策の為、テーブルは一つ空きです。落ち着いた雰囲気で、ゆったりと昼食を楽しみました。
At lunch, we had a delicious ramen at “Mikasa ~Yakuzen Chinese tea house~”.Every other table is vacant to prevent corona. We enjoyed a relaxing lunch in a calm atmosphere.
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