
蓮の花が美しい 霞ヶ浦総合運動公園 Beautiful Lotus Flowers! Kasumigaura Comprehensive Park



The rainy season is the latter half. Under the overcast cloudy sky, lotus flowers are beautifully blooming at Kasumigaura Comprehensive Park. The lotus flower that blooms purely on the tip of the stem that stretches out from the surface of the water seems to be pure and divine. It is regarded as a sacred flower in Buddhism.

Many varieties such as pink and white were in full bloom, and many people were watching beautiful lotus flowers with their cameras.

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いよいよ梅雨明け 夏のつくば霞ヶ浦りんりんロード!Finally rainy eason has finished. Summer has comed in ring-ring road!

    今年の梅雨は長かったですね。 8 月になってからの梅雨明けです。朝から気持ちの良い青空が広がり、早速サイクリングスタート。土浦港から霞ヶ浦ふれあいランドに向かって出発しました。   This year rainy season has been longer t...